Process for the external journey

This journey focuses on improving the relationships you have with and impact you have on communities and partner organizations. This includes the programs and services that impact individuals who are not part of your organization, such as trail users, partners, potential partners and the wider community being served by the organization and more broadly, the way that your organization engages with and partners with others to achieve lasting and equitable conservation outcomes alongside community benefits. The purpose of this journey is to help your organization better answer questions such as:

  • Who shapes our organizational direction? Who decides what is prioritized?

  • Who benefits from the work of our organization and how?

  • What expertise and perspectives are missing from our work? Who is not included?

  • How does our organization show up in communities and partnerships?

  • Are there ways that the organization can ensure equitable access to its programs and services?

Who should participate

The main difference between this journey and the Internal to the Organization journey is that your land trust will be asking for feedback from people outside of the organization. You should request people who are familiar enough with your organization to offer constructive and honest feedback through the evaluation. Board, staff and volunteers from your organization should lead these activities. This group will use the ratings from the check-in/evaluation to select the topics the organization will prioritize to process the insights and translate them into action.

The recommendations in the Internal journey also apply to the External journey. The resources provided for this journey are also more action-oriented, with examples and templates.

The range of responses for the evaluation for the organization should be shared with the individuals you asked to complete the evaluation and provide input/feedback, as well as the staff, board members and key volunteers that embarked on this journey.