Natural climate solutions

Recent studies suggest that carbon sequestration on natural and working lands could significantly contribute to needed emissions reductions. Natural climate solutions, such as restoring or preventing the destruction of carbon rich natural habitats and improving the way we manage land, are also some of the most cost-effective approaches to carbon dioxide removal. Forests, prairies, farmland and other natural habitats absorb approximately 15 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. That’s a huge benefit — but one that we stand to lose if we keep converting open land for development.

In fact, land conservation offers a double benefit for the climate. In addition to absorbing greenhouse gases, it also prevents significant greenhouse gas emissions that would result from development.

Because of these major benefits, the Alliance advocates for climate change policies that will promote and fund land conservation.


The global 30x30 movement is a call to conserve 30 percent of lands and waters by 2030. In January 2021, the Biden administration issued an executive order adopting a national 30x30 goal, which has evolved into the America the Beautiful Initiative.

Learn more about land trusts’ role in the 30x30 movement utilize our 30x30 toolkit

Energy infrastructure siting

Increasing pressure to locate energy infrastructure — including renewable energy — on conserved lands is putting our community’s land conservation work in jeopardy. The Alliance is coordinating with our members to educate decisionmakers on the importance of energy infrastructure location as guided by regional perspectives and without undermining the essential conservation values the land trust community works hard to protect. To learn more about conservation and energy infrastructure siting, read our publication “Reshaping the Energy Future.”

Join the Energy and Climate Working Group

The Alliance’s energy and climate working group meets monthly to discuss current issues in energy and climate policy as they relate to the land trust community. This group is open to all Alliance members as a space to share ideas, network and learn from guest speakers. To join, please email Zachary Sheldon, our energy and climate policy advisor, at