Step 3

Choose an approach

Starting with remote imagery for all properties

Review all properties with the best resolution available each year and:
Option A

Visit each property in person to prioritize landowner relationships and visit high-risk areas. This is an example of using remote imagery as a resource to enhance in-person monitoring.

Option B

Visit, in person, a percentage of the portfolio to prioritize landowner relationships and visitation to high-risk areas. Place the portfolio on a rotation so that each property is visited once every five years (or less). This is an example of property rotation.

Starting with remote imagery for selected properties only

Select a percentage of the properties and select the best resolution imagery available and:
Option A

Conduct in-person visits for all properties to prioritize landowner relationships and to visit high-risk areas.

Option B

Conduct in-person visits for the rest of the properties and only visit remote monitored properties that might have an issue or concern. Be sure to schedule an in-person monitoring visit at least once every five years to meet Practice Elements 11C2 and 12C.