Document / Report / White Paper
Roadmap to Nature-Based Solutions
Posted March 20, 2023
White House Council on Environmental Quality, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, White House Domestic Climate Policy Office
Lydia Olander, Krystal Laymon and Heather Tallis
About This Report / White Paper
This roadmap is an outline of strategic recommendations to put America on a path that will unlock the full potential of nature-based solutions to address climate change, nature loss and inequity.
The Roadmap calls on expanding the use of nature-based solutions and outlines five strategic areas of focus for the federal government: (1) updating policies, (2) unlocking funding, (3) leading with federal facilities and assets, (4) training the nature-based solutions workforce and (5) prioritizing research, innovation, knowledge and adaptive learning that will advance nature-based solutions.
There is also companion resource guide with examples of nature-based climate solutions and over 150 resources to spur action.