New Jersey Land Trust Summit
Event Date
About This Event
During the one-day summit, participants will generate ideas for productive initiatives that New Jersey’s conservation community can jointly pursue. Through facilitated brainstorming, small group discussion and short presentations, participants will represent their organizations’ interests and ensure their places at the table during these important conversations. Participants will also learn from one another, form and deepen partnerships and enjoy one another’s company in a congenial setting provided by Duke Farms. This is the right place and time to help reinvent the future of land protection in New Jersey.
The early-bird registration deadline is Feb. 9. As of Feb. 10, prices will increase by $20 to $80 for Land Trust Alliance members and $120 for others.
Thanks to the generosity of the F. M. Kirby Foundation, limited participation support is available to individuals from organizations that work predominantly with communities from socio-cultural and geographic backgrounds that are under-represented in the land trust community. If registration or travel costs present a barrier to participation, please reach out to Andrew Szwak at the Land Trust Alliance before registering at 973-479-6362 or The Alliance will consider requests for support from eligible participants on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please note that capacity for the New Jersey Land Trust Summit is limited to 125 people.