
Remote Monitoring Toolkit Webinar

Webinar Date
March 7, 2024, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST
Land Trust Alliance
Kate Losey
Someone standing in a field wearing a reflective vest holding a remote control while a drone flies above out toward the field.
About This Webinar

​​Remote monitoring has been found to increase efficiency of monitoring and decrease costs. Many land trusts are finding new and creative ways to engage with landowners and view protected land in unique ways. Join us to learn more about the Land Trust Alliance’s new online toolkit that will help land trust practitioners learn about and understand how remote sensing technology can benefit the land trust community. ​

​Here’s a look at what we will cover:

  • ​What is remote monitoring and what are the best ways to use it for stewardship and beyond.

  • ​How are organizations using this technology and meeting standards and practices.

  • ​Understanding limitations to the technology to ensure best practices are used.

  • ​What types of technologies are available to land trusts with a guide to questions to ask vendors.

  • ​Case studies from five land trusts.

​Advantages to other applications from baselines, violation resolution, climate change tracking and carbon sequestration. ​

​This demonstration will take users through the online toolkit to describe all sections and how they can be used for assessing how to best use this technology for their organizations.​

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