
Introduction to Affordable Housing For Land Trusts

Webinar Date
June 27, 2023, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. EDT
Land Trust Alliance
Colin Custer, Forrest King-Cortes, Raffa Saposhnik
Photo of a field with scattered trees, but many trees in the distances
About This Webinar

Communities around the country are facing an affordable housing crisis, but the good news is that land trusts can be part of the solution. Equitable partnerships between land trusts and affordable housing organizations can bring together expertise across movements to better serve communities. But, to be effective partners, land trusts must be familiar with the basics of affordable housing. Join a team of researchers and practitioners to learn about the opportunities for collaboration between land trusts and affordable housing organizations, hear about a model for partnership from Bozeman, Montana, and get acquainted with a brand new set of resources designed to introduce land trusts to the fundamentals of affordable housing and models for equitable partnership between affordable housing organizations and land trusts.

Here's a look at what we will cover:  

  • Current state of play and opportunities for collaboration between affordable housing and land conservation organizations | Forrest King-Cortes, Land Trust Alliance and Katie Michels, Yale School of the Environment

  • Partnership Highlight: Story Mill Park & Bridger View Homes | Christine Walker, Navigate Community Housing Solutions and Dick Dolan, The Trust for Public Land

  • Orientation to “Introduction to Affordable Housing for Land Trusts” resources | Colin Custer, Yale School of the Environment