
Staying Accredited: A Renewal of Accreditation Primer, West

Webinar Date
March 6, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST
Land Trust Alliance
Sarah Naperala of Naperala Consulting, LLC
People in a convention center hallway standing altogether smiling and waving flags that either say accredited or re-accredited.
About This Webinar

​​So, your land trust is accredited! Now what?  

​​As an executive director recently told us, “Five years goes by really fast!” Will you be ready for renewal of your land trust accreditation? Do you know what changes were made to the requirements in the past 5 years? Have you accomplished your Expectations for Improvement? Do you know where your records are? Do you have a checklist of what to do each year to make this process flow smoothly?  

​​Join other land trusts from across the Western United States for a complimentary session with consultant Sarah Naperala. After guiding her land trust through applying for both first time and renewal of accreditation, Sarah now helps others succeed in this rewarding work. She’ll offer advice for you on systems to put in place to ensure you will be prepared when the time comes and make your organization hum in the meanwhile. 

The cost of this training would be $170 per participant, but thanks to generous funding from funders including ​​Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, The Carls Foundation, Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation, the Alliance is able to provide this training free to our members.

Participants in Land Trust Alliance events should review and agree to the Alliance Code of Conduct.