Document / Report / White Paper

Priority Agenda Enhancing the Climate Resilience of America's Natural Resources

Posted 2015
The Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience
About This Report / White Paper

The Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience’s Priority Agenda Enhancing the Climate Resilience of America’s Natural Resources is the result of an interagency effort to inventory and assess current policies, programs, and regulations. Agenda identifies four priority strategies to make the Nation’s natural resources more resilient to a changing climate. These include:

1. Fostering climate-resilient lands and waters;

2. Managing and enhancing U.S. carbon sinks;

3. Enhancing community preparedness and resilience by utilizing and sustaining natural resources; and

4. Modernizing Federal programs, investments, and delivery of services to build resilience and enhance sequestration of biological carbon.

For each strategy, the Agenda documents significant progress and provides a roadmap for action moving forward. By understanding Federal management priorities land trusts can be better equipped to build partnerships and leverage multiple benefits of conservation to obtain funding and broaden support of organizational projects and programs.