Practice 6B: Financial Records

About This Practice
This guidance covers Practice 6B, which includes one element:
Keep financial records in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting (OCBOA)
© 2017–2022 Land Trust Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.
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This resource is a Land Trust Alliance member benefit for the staff, board and volunteers of land trust and affiliate member organizations, and Alliance donors at the Protector level.
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- Alliance members: $75.00
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- Alliance members: $75.00
- Non-members: $140.00

Wiley Not-for-Profit GAAP 2020: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
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Sample for Practice 6B: Accounting and Finance Policy
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GAAP Accounting for Beginners
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Choosing Accounting Software
This document is designed to help land trusts choose accounting software that meets their needs. It includes questions to ask vendors and contains tips for Quickbook users.

GAAP Accounting for Land Trusts – A Deeper Dive
In this webinar, we will highlight recent changes in GAAP and some continuing problem areas that can confuse land trust leaders, even those with experience reading business and government financial reports.
Sample for Practice 6B: Template for an Accounting Procedures Manual
This is a sample for accounting procedures from Deborah Connors, Meredeth Clark and Steve Zimmerman, C.P.A.
Sample for Practice 6B: Fiscal Policies and Procedures
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Sample for Practice 3A: Financial Dashboard
Sample financial dashboard with charts and tables for board review of land trust finances
Sample for Practice 6B: Financial Management Policy
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Sample for Practice Element 3A2c: Financial Reports
These are financial reports for board member review, including balance sheet, statement of financial position and budget comparison from the Land Trust Alliance.