North American Wetlands Conservation Act
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NAWCA has helped to fund more than 3,200 projects protecting more than 31 million acres of wetland and wildlife habitat in all 50 states, as well as Canada and Mexico.
The North American Wetlands Conservation Act was reauthorized and funded at $60 million per year as part of the America’s Conservation Enhancement Act, which was signed into law on October 30, 2020. NAWCA has helped to fund more than 3,200 projects protecting more than 31 million acres of wetland and wildlife habitat in all 50 states, as well as Canada and Mexico.
Since it was established in 1989, NAWCA has directed nearly $2 billion for the protection and restoration of wetland habitat for migratory birds and related upland habitat. This important investment has leveraged nearly $4 billion in partner contributions. . NAWCA funding must be matched at least dollar for dollar by non-federal sources. In fact, the grants are so competitive that the average project brings in $3.20 of matching funds for every federal dollar.
Wetlands habitat conservation is vital for migratory birds and other wildlife. It also strengthens our economy. Each year, NAWCA-funded conservation and restoration projects support 7,500 jobs, employing people as construction contractors, landscapers, biologists, conservation experts, engineers, and supply retailers. In addition, the protected habitats draw people for recreational activities such as hunting, fishing, wildlife watching, and photography that generate billions of dollars every year. On top of that, wetlands provide natural services that we rely on for clean, plentiful water supplies. And they protect property by absorbing water from floods and storm surges.
Grants for habitat conservation
Got wetlands? NAWCA grants are available for organizations and individuals to acquire, restore or enhance habitat for the benefit of migratory birds associated with wetlands. Grants are available in two categories:
Standard grants of up to $1 million are available for projects in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Standard grants can exceed $1 million with a written explanation of why the project requires additional funding.
Small grants of up to $100,000 are available only in the United States for activities that are smaller in scope, with priority given to first-time NAWCA grantees.
NAWCA is administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
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