Learn Practice Element 3D1: Board Approval of Land and Conservation Easement Transactions
About This Course
This course covers Practice Element 3D1, Board Approval of Transactions.
Membership Required
This resource is a Land Trust Alliance member benefit for the staff, board and volunteers of land trust and affiliate member organizations, and Alliance donors at the Protector level.
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Sample for Practice 3D: Policy for Board Approval of Land Transactions
A sample policy for board approval of land transactions from the accredited Hill Country Conservancy.
Sample for Practice 3D: Policy for Board Approval of Land Transactions
A sample policy for board approval of land transactions from the accredited Kaniksu Land Trust.
Practice 3D: Board Approval of Transactions
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Sample for Practice 11H: Conservation Easement Amendment Information & Approval Form
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Checklist for Transactions
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Learning Paths
Selected resources to guide your learning on key topics