June Lunch & Learn: Economics of outdoor recreation in NY
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About This Event
The Land Trust Alliance's New York office is pleased to offer this Lunch & Learn session with Jennifer Clinton from Trust for Public Land.
This presentation describes the economic benefits of outdoor recreation in New York, including impacts to both economic development (e.g., employment/wages and business development), as well as ecosystem services (e.g., improved air and water quality and reduced stormwater runoff). Presenters will share case studies for different types of values, highlighting unique strategies that have enhanced economic benefits for communities investing in conservation. They will also share tools and resources for organizations that want to use economic data to help make the case for conservation and outdoor recreation. Following the presentation, the presenters will lead a peer-to-peer discussion about outdoor recreation strategies that have been economically successful (or unsuccessful) in their communities, whether proposed strategies in the presentation would work for them (or not) and why.
Funding from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation makes this session complimentary for New York land trusts as part of the New York Conservation Partnership Program.