Evaluating and Protecting Environmental Water Assets: A Guide for Land Conservation Practitioners
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Evaluating and Protecting Environmental Water Assets: A Guide for Land Conservation Practitioners, a publication by TNC and the Sonoma Land Trust, provides provides easy to understand guidance, resources, and tools that California land trusts, open space districts, resource conservation districts, and others can use to identify, evaluate, and protect water resources. It builds upon the experiences of both TNC and SLT managing land and water assets. It is designed to assist other land trusts and conservation organizations with applying these same traditional land protection strategies to accelerate the rate and scale at which we can enhance California’s watershed health and the survival of species, like salmon and trout, that depend on them.
This guide provides land trust staff and other land acquisition practitioners with information about key aspects of water rights.
It presents a suite of important tools to protect environmental water assets in order to maximize the ecological outcomes of lands acquired and/or managed for conservation purposes.