Easement Appraisal Basics for Land Trust Practitioners
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About This Webinar
Qualified appraisals are the lynchpin of the process that allows landowners to benefit from federal income, estate and state tax incentives flowing from the donation of a conservation easement. A poorly supported appraisal, whether fraudulent or merely sloppy, damages the integrity of a conservation easement transaction regardless of the conservation values involved. It also damages the reputation of the land trust involved in the transaction, risks violating the public trust and may reduce support for conservation in general.
Join conservation attorney Bill Silberstein and appraiser Mark Weston as they provide an introduction to the requirements for appraisals of conservation easements used to seek charitable deductions outlined in §1.170A - 13, 14, 16, & 17 of the Treasury regulations.
Here’s a look at what we will cover:
overview of the appraisal process;
strategies for selecting an appraiser;
common mistakes made in valuing easements;
tips for recognizing inappropriate or abusive appraisals; and
review of appraisal guidelines from Land Trust Standards and Practices.