ACEP-ALE 101 Training
Webinar Date
November 2, 2022
Land Trust Alliance
Lisa McCauley, USDA-NRCS and Nikki Nesbary, Land Trust Alliance
About This Webinar
This 90-minute interactive session provides foundational information on applying for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program-Agricultural Land Easement program. The training includes information on eligibility requirements for ACEP-ALE, information on Alliance resources, examples from land trusts experienced with the program as well as a Q&A section. The session features the USDA-NRCS Wetland Reserve Enhancement Partnership & Healthy Forest Reserve Program Manager (and Sentinel Landscapes Federal Coordinator), Lisa McCauley, land trust practitioners from Maine Farmland Trust and Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire, along with Alliance Manager for NRCS Programs, Nikki Nesbary.