Acres Protected
That’s about 353,149 football fields!
Land trusts have already conserved 61 million acres of private land across the nation — more than all of the national parks combined. Help us conserve another 60 million acres by the end of the decade.
Together, let’s keep Gaining Ground.
Every land trust is as unique as the community it serves.
Massachusetts land trusts are community-led and supported and protect lands and waters that help the entire state.
Land Trust Longevity
133 years old (1891)
16 years old (2008)
41 years old
Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition
The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts, Inc.
There has been a 35% increase in Massachusetts land protected by land trusts since 2010.
Acre by acre, land trusts are helping to conserve Massachusetts lands, waters and ways of life.
Disclaimer: Land trusts conserve land in many different ways and every project is unique. Category totals may change depending on how acres are reported by survey respondents to reflect the most current data and minimize double-counting. In some instances, the total may be greater than the sum of the separate categories due to organizations that provided total acres not broken down by category.
This information reflects data collected in the National Land Trust Census, the longest-running comprehensive survey of private land conservation in America. Learn more about the Census and see which land trusts participated in the 2020 National Land Trust Census.
Massachusetts land trusts are gaining ground.
Land trusts across the state are helping find solutions to some of Massachusetts' most pressing issues.
Land Trusts Working in Massachusetts
Land Trust Alliance member land trusts, listed below, commit to adopting Land Trust Standards and Practices as their guiding principles.