Over 61 million acres protected and counting
The Land Trust Alliance has set a bold goal for land trusts to conserve another 60 million acres by the end of the decade. Working together, we can achieve the vision of conserving 30% of U.S. lands and waters by the end of the decade.
View our national progressState Progress
Local and state land trusts are leading the way forward, contributing 70% of the growth in land protected since 2015.

Land trusts have already conserved 61 million acres of private land across the nation — more than all of the national parks combined. Help us conserve another 60 million acres by the end of the decade.
Together, let’s keep Gaining Ground.
Land Is the Answer
There's an urgent need for increased land conservation to address critical challenges facing our society.
We Need Your Help
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When you support the Land Trust Alliance, your contribution helps to save more of the land you love.
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See how land trusts are gaining ground across the nation
National Land Trust Census
The National Land Trust Census is the nation’s longest-running survey of private land conservation. Every five years, the Land Trust Alliance queries the nation's land trusts for key metrics about their work, including staffing, acres protected and community engagement. The 2020 National Land Trust Census was developed in cooperation with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.