Types of Project Selection Criteria
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- Non-members: $100.00

Practice 8B: Project Selection Criteria and Public Benefit
Having written project selection criteria will help your land trust meet your conservation goals and ensure public benefit.
Sample for Practice 8B: Project Selection Criteria
This project selection criteria form from the accredited Montezuma Land Conservancy includes checklists to assess a property's goals, purposes, public benefit, feasibility and other factors.
Creating Selection Criteria for Conservation Easements
This is a template for creating selection criteria for conservation easements, created by the Land Trust Alliance.
Sample for Practice 3D: Preliminary Project Proposal and Selection Criteria, Final Project Approval Form
This is a preliminary project proposal and selection criteria, along with a final project approval form from the accredited Five Valleys Land Trust.
The Role of Project Planning in Easement Drafting
Project planning is the final step in the conservation project selection process. This document lays out the different forms project plans can take and common techniques.
Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change
The new guide provides criteria for the selection, completion, and management of land protection projects, for the successful capture and storage of carbon.

Considering Climate, Equity, Mission and More
Join conservation experts Reggie Hall, The Conservation Fund, and Lena Pollastro, Land Trust of Napa County, both accredited, as they explore how to incorporate climate, mission and equity values when creating (or revising) project selection criteria for current and new projects.
Sample for Practice 7C: Consultant Policy Template
This is a sample policy for working with consultants and obtaining bids, including selection criteria, RFP and award process from Orient Land Trust.
Sample for Practice 6A: Criteria for Nonprofits' Operating
This is criteria for the operating of nonprofits from Thomas J. Raffa at Marcum LLP.
Sample for Practice 8B: Project Approval Form
This project approval form from the accredited Groundswell Conservancy outlines the conservation value, public benefits, financial considerations and potential risks of a particular project.