Sample for Practice 11A: Calculating Stewardship Fund and Legal Defense Fund Costs
About This Sample
A sample stewardship and legal defense fund calculation from the accredited Hill Country Conservancy.
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Sample for Practice 11A: Stewardship Fund
Sample stewardship fund policy from the accredited Hill Country Land Trust, including how requested stewardship fund contributions are calculated.
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Legal Defense Reserves Calculator
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Practice 11A: Funding Conservation Easement Stewardship
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Links and Resources for Legal Defense Reserves
Eventually, every land trust will face some form of legal action and it is very difficult or even impossible to know ahead of time when a land trust will be involved in a legal action (regardless of whether the land trust is initiating or responding to a legal action) so planning ahead is essential.
Stewardship Calculator and Handbook
The key to achieving lasting conservation outcomes is to ensure that sufficient funding is available for long-term stewardship. This calculator can be used by land managers to estimate the long-term stewardship costs associated with voluntary conservation projects.