Heirs' Property
About This Web Link
A compilation of resources and research on heirs' property compiled by the Southern Rural Development Center at Mississippi State University.
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- Alliance members: $70.00
- Non-members: $100.00
Georgia Heirs Property Law Center
The Georgia Heirs Property Law Center provides legal resources, education, and support to property owners, nonprofits, and municipalities to resolve heirs' property and related issues.
Center for Heirs' Property Preservation
The Center for Heirs' Property Preservation supports historically-underserved families by providing direct legal services, legal education and assistance to protect heirs' property.
Farmland Access Legal Toolkit for Heirs' Property
The Center for Agriculture and Food Systems Farmland Access Legal Toolkit for Heirs' Property is a comprehensive collection of heirs' property resources including issue background, legal, and organization providing direct assistants to heirs' property owners.
Heirs' Property Toolkit
The heirs’ property toolkit is a compilation of resources to support land trusts, agency staff and other stakeholders as they seek to resolve barriers to landownership and participation in U.S. Department of Agriculture’s programs.
USDA Heirs' Property Factsheet
This USDA factsheet provides definitions and resources on heirs' property.
The Federation of Southern Cooperatives/LAF Leads Research and Advocacy to Address Heirs Property and Eligibility to Participate in USDA Programs
Land is by far one of the greatest and most valuable assets African American farmers possess. The causes of under-utilization and loss of rural black land are numerous and complex, but none is more notable than heirs property.
Heirs’ Property: What Land Trusts Need To Know
Join heirs’ property expert Diana Norris, Land Trust Alliance, as she discusses the cultural and historical context of heirs’ property and what land trusts can do to engage with landowners on conservation and support the stabilization of ownership in their own states.
Heirs' Property and the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act: Challenges, Solutions, and Historic Reform
This book addresses many challenges that have plagued disadvantaged families that own heirs' property and discusses a range of solutions to these problems.
Heirs' Property Landowners
This USDA website provides in-depth resources to support landowners and others interested in learning about and addressing heirs' property issues.
USDA Heirs' Property Relending Program
The USDA Heirs' Property Relending Program webpage provides information and resources for heirs' property landowners including steps to apply for the relending program.