Press Release

Land Trust Alliance and Open Space Institute award grants to accelerate climate planning nation-wide

Over three years, the ‘Land and Climate Program’ has distributed more than $1.2 million in grants, empowering land trusts and conservation organizations to engage in climate-informed land conservation.

Washington – The Land Trust Alliance and the Open Space Institute have announced the awarding of nearly $450,000 in grants and technical assistance to help communities across the country better plan for and mitigate the impacts of climate change. The program is generously funded by the Doris Duke Foundation, J.M. Kaplan Fund, Jane’s Trust Foundation, Merck Family Foundation, Oregon Community Foundation, Volgenau Foundation, William Penn Foundation and several individual donors.

The Land and Climate Program grants will help land trusts and other nonprofit organizations advance conservation-informed renewable energy siting and harness strategic land protection and stewardship to support the ability of forests and other landscapes to capture and sequester carbon, provide land-based buffers against climate change impacts and help wildlife adapt to a changing climate.

During the three years since the program’s launch, the Land Trust Alliance and OSI have awarded more than $1.2 million in grants and technical assistance to address the climate crisis. This year, the Land and Climate Grant Program received the most-ever applications and distributed nearly $450,000 — its largest total amount of funding.

“The impacts of climate change are being felt now and the importance of the land sector delivering all it can toward climate mitigation and adaptation has never been more urgent,” said Andrew Bowman, the Alliance’s president and CEO. “These grants will help land trusts develop strategic land protection plans and implement effective stewardship practices to maximize the benefits of conserved lands.”

“Land trusts and conservation organizations are making great strides in helping our nation’s communities effectively meet the complex challenges posed by climate change,” said Kim Elliman, president and CEO of Open Space Institute. “OSI is proud of our leadership in advancing climate-informed land protection, and in supporting the exceptional work of our grantees. We thank the Land Trust Alliance for its continued partnership in advancing natural, climate-based strategies to respond to the climate crisis.”

Land trusts and conservation organizations are at the forefront of helping communities adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. Land protection not only preserves the ability of forests and other natural features to absorb and store atmospheric carbon; it also prevents significant greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation, secures habitat connectivity for wildlife, and helps to safeguard communities from extreme weather. Since 2015, the Alliance and OSI have partnered to fund, provide technical assistance, and train land trusts and other conservation nonprofits in incorporating climate science into their acquisition and stewardship planning.

The grantees are:

  • California’s Pacific Crest Trail AssociationPCTA Climate Communications Initiative.

  • California’s TreePeopleTreePeople Land Trust Oil Fields Adoption and Rehabilitation Planning.

  • Colorado’s Access FundFrom Apathy to Action: Encouraging the Climber, Conservation and Climate Connection.

  • Colorado’s Colorado Open Lands Powering Up Conservation: A Guide to Solar Energy Integration for the Land Trust Community.

  • Connecticut’s Connecticut Farmland TrustRenewable Energy and Farmland Conservation: Co-Existence of Farming and Solar Arrays in CT.

  • Kansas’s Kansas Land TrustCommunicating about Climate Change Solutions in Kansas.

  • Maine’s Forest Stewards GuildTraining Maine Land Trusts in Climate Adaptation Planning Using NIACS' Climate Adaptation Workbook.

  • Maine’s Wabanaki Public Health & Wellness Ihtoli Kikehtahsuitimok.

  • Maryland’s Eastern Shore Land ConservancyImproving State Policies for Renewable Energy Systems and Their Impact on Agricultural Lands.

  • Massachusetts’s Berkshire Natural Resources Council Strategic Conservation Plan.

  • Montana’s The Wilderness Land TrustClimate Change Resilience, East Coast Inventory and Prioritization of Wilderness Inholdings.

  • New Hampshire’s Upper Valley Land Trust Upper Valley Land Trust Climate-inclusive Conservation Planning.

  • New Jersey’s The Land Conservancy of New JerseyForest Stewardship Plan for Split Rock Mountain.

  • New Jersey’s Ridge and Valley ConservancyLand Management Plans, Sustainability Annex.

  • New York’s Grassland Bird TrustGrassland Prioritization Analysis.

  • New York’s Genesee Land Trust Diversifying the Climate Change Conversation in Rochester.

  • North Carolina’s Triangle Land ConservancyEvaluating Climate Impacts for the Watershed Protection Program in the Upper Neuse River Basin.

  • Oregon’s North Coast Land ConservancyRainforest Reserve Management Plan.

  • Pennsylvania’s Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art Brandywine Watershed Climate Resilience Feasibility Study.

  • Pennsylvania’s Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and RiversIdentifying and Sharing Climate Resilience Messaging for Community Watershed Organizations.

  • Pennsylvania’s Wissahickon TrailsConservation Management Plans for Climate Resiliency.

  • Puerto Rico’s Puerto Rico Conservation TrustUtilizing Land Management Planning for the Conservation of Puerto Rico Protected Areas.

  • Tennessee’s Land Trust for TennesseeA Statewide Conservation & Communications Plan to Prioritize Climate for Tennesseans.

  • Vermont’s Friends of the Mad RiverRidge to River 2.0: Building A Watershed Action Framework for Climate Resilience.

  • Vermont’s Stowe Land TrustBuilding Climate Resilience: A Community Conservation Needs Assessment for the Stowe, Vermont Region.

  • Virginia’s New River Land TrustGIS Prioritization for Multi-partner Conservation Effort in Virginia’s Eastern Divide Focal Area.

  • Washington’s Chelan-Douglas Land Trust Identifying Opportunities for Climate Resilient Interventions in Chelan and Douglas Counties.

  • Washington’s Whidbey Camano Land Trust Building Resilient Forests.

  • Wisconsin’s Ice Age Trail AllianceManaging for Climate Resiliency along the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.

  • Wisconsin’s Mississippi Valley ConservancyPlum Creek Climate Adaptation Plan.

  • Wyoming’s Jackson Hole Land TrustWater Rights Analysis to Address Climate Change Impacts in the Upper Green River Basin.

  • Wyoming’s Sheridan Community Land Trust Conservation Planning - Sheridan County, Wyoming.

About the Land Trust Alliance

Founded in 1982, the Land Trust Alliance is a national land conservation organization that works to save the places people need and love by strengthening land conservation across America. The Alliance represents approximately 950 member land trusts supported by more than 250,000 volunteers and 6.3 million members nationwide. The Alliance is based in Washington, D.C., and operates several regional offices. More information about the Alliance is available at

About the Open Space Institute

The Open Space Institute (OSI) protects scenic, natural, and historic landscapes to provide public enjoyment, conserve habitat and working lands, and sustain communities. Founded in 1974 to protect significant landscapes in New York State, OSI has been a partner in the protection of more than 2.3 million acres in North America. Visit OSI online at

About the Doris Duke Foundation

The Doris Duke Foundation (DDF) supports the well-being of people and the planet for a more creative, equitable and sustainable future. We operate five national programs — in the performing arts, the environment, medical research, child and family well-being and mutual understanding between communities — as well as Duke Farms and Shangri La, two centers that directly serve the public. Through the Environment Program, DDF seeks to ensure a thriving, resilient environment for wildlife and people, and foster an inclusive, effective conservation movement. Visit to learn more.