• Alliance Member
  • Accredited
  • Terrafirma Insured

NPAT conserves, restores, and educates Texans about native prairies, savannas, and other grasslands. We bring this to life by partnering with landowners to protect and restore their property, and by educating adults and students about the value of prairies. Texas prairies deliver remarkable social, environmental, and economic benefits - surprising plant and animal diversity, natural beauty, rich soil, water filtration, flood mitigation, hunting and birding recreation, sustainable cattle grazing, and more carbon storage than forests. They are an important part of our state's heritage. NPAT is driven to bring back this endangered yet versatile landscape. Go to texasprairie.org to find out more about prairies and how you can help save them!

Land Protected



  • 1986

  • 1999

  • Yes

  • 4

  • 450

  • 50

  • 16

Volunteer Opportunities

Land trusts with volunteer opportunities, such as trail maintenance, clean ups, administrative duties, giving tours and more.

Conservation Priorities
Agricultural Land

Land trusts that protect farms and ranches to ensure sustainable food and secure agricultural ways of life.

Wildlife Habitat

Land trusts that protect habitat for plants and animals, such as wildlife corridors, breeding grounds and habitats for endangered species.

Land Trust Alliance

The Land Trust Alliance powers our nearly 1,000 member land trusts to permanently protect and conserve the land we need and love, ensuring it will be there for today and tomorrow.