• Alliance Member

We exist to drive a passion for nature, for all. We think inclusively and diversely when serving those growing up devoid of nature, those who remember nature and want to connect back to it, and those who already have an affinity with nature. We believe that if we help people discover a passion for nature, they will want to protect it and value everything it has to offer.

Land Protected



  • 1991

  • Yes

  • 15

  • 600

  • 100

  • 14


Land trusts with public trails for guided or individual hikes, walks, biking and more.

Public Access

Land trusts that welcome visitors for activities such as walking, hiking, biking, boating, fishing, birding and more.

Volunteer Opportunities

Land trusts with volunteer opportunities, such as trail maintenance, clean ups, administrative duties, giving tours and more.

Conservation Priorities
Wildlife Habitat

Land trusts that protect habitat for plants and animals, such as wildlife corridors, breeding grounds and habitats for endangered species.

Land Trust Alliance

The Land Trust Alliance powers our nearly 1,000 member land trusts to permanently protect and conserve the land we need and love, ensuring it will be there for today and tomorrow.