• Alliance Member
  • Accredited
  • Terrafirma Insured

The Gates Mills Land Conservancy is an Ohio nonprofit corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and classified as a public charity under Section 509(a)(3) of said Code and as such operates under a Board approved Code of Regulations (Appendix I, II). Its mission is to preserve the natural, recreational and scenic resources of the Village by acquiring land or restricting development through deed restrictions or conservation easements either by gifts or purchases.

Land Protected



  • 1991

  • Yes

  • 127

  • 10

  • 14

Volunteer Opportunities

Land trusts with volunteer opportunities, such as trail maintenance, clean ups, administrative duties, giving tours and more.

Conservation Priorities

Land trusts that protect forested lands for habitat preservation, sequestering carbon, sustainable timber, conserving wilderness and more.

Wildlife Habitat

Land trusts that protect habitat for plants and animals, such as wildlife corridors, breeding grounds and habitats for endangered species.

Land Trust Alliance

The Land Trust Alliance powers our nearly 1,000 member land trusts to permanently protect and conserve the land we need and love, ensuring it will be there for today and tomorrow.