Thank goodness for the great outdoors

In the face of hardships and unprecedented circumstances, what am I most thankful for this Earth Day? The great outdoors.

By Rashida Moore April 21, 2020
Woman smiling at the camera while hiking outdoors

After days upon days of living exclusively indoors, all I craved was fresh air, green space and sunshine. I'm sure you understand. So on a recent afternoon, I took a break and ventured out to a nearby protected nature trail. There, I was reminded it is indeed springtime by the many beautiful sights and sounds around me, from wild geese and deer to flowers in bloom.

Getting outdoors — while following all current federal, state and local rules — is our release. Our refreshment. Our solace. Knowing that our local farms and ranches will continue to nurture each of our communities even as we struggle through uncertain times gives me a sense of relief.

Connecting to and championing for the Earth is so important right now. While many of the planned programs and volunteer opportunities celebrating this 50th anniversary of Earth Day have moved to virtual events, I hope you are able to get outside at least briefly to enjoy the places we are protecting together and welcome a new season of hope and renewal.

Because no matter where you live, we are united by the great outdoors. Those special lands we need and love. And now, more than ever, those are lands we need to protect.

Your support of land conservation today can make a great difference in the lives of millions of people right now and help mitigate unknown threats in the future. That's why I hope you'll consider joining our special group of committed supporters who have chosen to step up and protect our priceless land every month of the year.

There's much to be done — and much we all can do to help protect and restore our planet. Do your part today by making a special donation to the Land Trust Alliance in honor of Earth Day.